Donor Story

“I feel proud that with my little effort, I saved a life”

We all love watching movies. It’s one of those relaxing activities that give us a break from our own lives. But sometimes a movie can do more than that. Some movies can inspire, and by taking us on a journey of emotions, add a fresh perspective on life.

Like Rohit, a 33-year-old resident of Kanpur, who got so inspired from a movie that he made a gesture that led him to save someone’s life!

The Sky is Pink is a movie based on a young girl named Aisha Chaudhary, who lost her life to Pulmonary Fibrosis, after she was unable to find a matching stem cell donor, to receive a stem cell transplant that could have saved her life. At the end of the movie, is a message from Aisha, urging people to register as a potential stem cell donor so they can possibly give a patient a second chance at life.

And Rohit did exactly that! He registered with DKMS-BMST and to his amazement, he got to save someone’s life, a year later.

He shares his experience of being a blood stem cell donor –

“When I was watching the movie The Sky is Pink, I was really moved by Aisha’s and her family’s struggle. At the end of the movie, I noticed the mention of DKMS and discovered how they help patients with blood cancer and blood disorders. I also happened to watch Aisha’s Ted Talk, which further motivated me to register. I kept imagining how Aisha might have survived if she had found a matching stem cell donor.

I registered in early 2021 and in just a year, I came up as a match for a patient in need. I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones who got to save a life with very little effort on my part. My family members were happy too but a bit concerned at the same time.

The donation process

I had some concerns initially about whether the process is going to be uncomfortable but the constant reassurance from the DKMS-BMST coordinators helped ease my anxiety.

The process was similar to blood platelet donation and it lasted for about 3 hours. I had a slight headache on the day of collection which lasted until the end of the process. Despite that, I felt spirited and happy at the thought that I had reached the finish line without any hiccups! Having some of my family members around was comforting as well.

After the donation and throughout the process, the DKMS-BMST team ensured that I was comfortable and well-fed. I was completely spoilt with coconut water, fruits and a delectable lunch. Thankfully, I did not notice any discomfort or fatigue, instead I went on a small vacation just a day post my donation!

Message for all

REGISTER! That is the bottom-line for me: more people need to be made aware of the widespread prevalence of blood disorders and more importantly, people need to find out how easy and effortless it can be to save someone’s life. All you have to do is click a few buttons on your computers and if you are matched, give a little time and effort during the donation. None of this compares to the overwhelming satisfaction you get after donating, when you know that you possibly changed someone’s life for the better!”

How you can help

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are calling on more people to take the first step and register for a home swab kit.

If you’d like to register as a potential blood stem cell donor you can check your eligibility and sign up today.

Anyone aged between 18-50 years and in general good health can go on standby as a potential lifesaver. If you're not eligible or you're already registered, check out some of the other ways to get involved in the fight against blood cancer.

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Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us get more people on the registry so that everyone who needs a blood stem cell donor can find their match.