39-year-old Indian Army Subedar Rajvir registered with DKMS-BMST at a registration event during his military training in 2019. A few years later in 2021, he gave a stranger a second chance at life by donating his blood stem cells. Rajvir shared with us his heroic journey of becoming a lifesaver!
The call that made all the difference
Being working in the army I was posted at a sensitive region at the Indian border when I got to know that DKMS-BMST is trying to reach me. Finally, I got to speak with them and got the most surprising news that I was found to be a match for a blood cancer patient. I was committed from the beginning and took the rarest decision of my life of taking a casual leave. I love my work and have taken leaves only during an emergency. I travelled to Bengaluru to donate my blood stem cells. My family supported me in my decision especially considering the Covid-19 scenario.
The donation journey
My stay in Bengaluru was comfortable, I received G-CSF injections 4 days before the donation. Finally, on the donation day, I reached the collection center, the medical staff and coordinators all were very supportive and caring. I donated my blood stem cells through PBSC (peripheral blood stem cell) method, a process similar to blood platelet donation. During the PBSC, only stem cells were extracted from my blood, blood was taken from one of the arms, passed through a machine that separates the blood stem cells and then the rest of the blood was returned through my other arm. The process went well, it took around 4 hours to finish.
I did not have any health issues and was back to my daily routine the next day after the donation. I am anxious for the patient whose life I might have saved.
Rajvir has a message
I think it is everyone’s responsibility to contribute to society and with everybody’s effort, we can create a healthy India. I urge healthy individuals to please register as potential blood stem cell donors and raise hope for thousands of blood cancer and blood disorder patients waiting to find a matching donor.
How you can help?
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are calling on more people to take the first step and register for a home swab kit.
If you’d like to register as a potential blood stem cell donor you can check your eligibility and sign up today.
Anyone aged between 18-50 years and in general good health can go on standby as a potential lifesaver.