DKMS-BMST & HCG join hands to give more second chances at life


Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd (HCG), India’s largest provider of cancer care, is at the forefront of the battle against cancer. Over 80,000 cancer patients seek treatment at HCG in a year.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver?

Why HCG is collaborating with DKMS-BMST?

For years, HCG has been defining the future of cancer care in India by designing, building and managing cancer centers with a steadfast vision: To transform the cancer care environment by bringing core clinical services to one central place. DKMS-BMST provides patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant with a second chance at life. Through this collaboration of HCG with DKMS-BMST, we would want to improve the outcomes of treatment for Blood Cancer patients across India. In addition to standardizing treatment strategies, we want to also ensure the availability of blood stem cell donors for patients who needs transplantation.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver?

How we can beat blood cancer together?

DKMS-BMST has been working to find the right donor for patients suffering from blood cancer and blood disorders in India. So far, we have facilitated 32 blood stem cell donations. For a stem cell donation, the tissue characteristics of the donor must match those of the patient. When you join the stem cell registry you are on standby to be matched and potentially save the life of anyone with a blood cancer or blood disorder who needs a blood stem cell donation. You can be the right person and with your stem cell donation a real lifesaver.

Our videos answer the most important questions about registration and stem cell donation. Learn how you can register with DKMS-BMST and become a lifesaver.

DKMS-BMST donor's stem cell donation experience

How does blood stem cell donation work?

Good to know...

For many people with a blood cancer or blood disorder, a donation from a matching blood stem cell donor is their best chance of survival.

With blood stem cell donation, only blood stem cells are donated, not blood and matches are determined by tissue type, not blood group.

Your blood stem cells will completely replenish themselves within 1-2 days of the collection.

Many people in India can't find a suitable matching donor, as the Indian donors are underrepresented in the worldwide database.

Your blood stem cells will never be stored, they last for around 72 hours and are delivered straight to the person in need by a special courier.

You will stay on the registry until your 61st birthday!

Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us get more people on the registry so that everyone who needs a blood stem cell donor can find their match.