In July 2015, my company had organized a DKMS-BMST stem cell donor drive. When I got to know about the entire procedure and how simple it was,I decided to register. Having lost loved ones to cancer further motivated me. Less than 5 months later, I was informed that I am a potential match for a blood cancer patient. I was nervous at the beginning as the thought of potentially being able to give a new lease of life to any person was in itself overwhelming. The thought of going through medical assessments and the procedure was making me equally nervous.
In July 2015, my company had organized a DKMS-BMST stem cell donor drive. When I got to know about the entire procedure and how simple it was,I decided to register. Having lost loved ones to cancer further motivated me. Less than 5 months later, I was informed that I am a potential match for a blood cancer patient. I was nervous at the beginning as the thought of potentially being able to give a new lease of life to any person was in itself overwhelming. The thought of going through medical assessments and the procedure was making me equally nervous.
I spoke to my family and they were very proud and happy that I was potentially going to save a life. DKMS-BMST scheduled a blood draw for the Confirmatory Typing (CT) and after a few days I was confirmed as a perfect match. I started getting my doses of G-CSF injections. I had a dedicated nurse during the entire process who was extremely helpful. On the day of donation, which was scheduled in the beginning of January 2016, I felt like a celebrity when I reached the stem cell collection center, as many people came to see me. I had invited few of my friends as well to pass my time, while I would be donating. The collection process was pretty streamlined and I did not have any difficulty. In fact, I was up and ready for lunch right after the donation procedure.
It was surreal to actually donate my blood stem cells to save a life.
To this day, all I know is that my blood stem cells possibly saved the life of a young child from India. I am very glad that I made the decision to donate. I would recommend everyone to register as a stem cell donor. Give yourself a chance to feel special as you have less than 1% chance of ever being a match. And when that happens, in over 6 billion people around the world, you will feel very special!