Madan Gowri, the renowned Tamil YouTuber, has partnered with us on a vital mission: to raise awareness about blood cancer in India. With the MG Squad by his side, he aims to shed light on the need for stem cell donors to help patients suffering from blood cancer and blood disorders.
Why Your Registration Matters:
We have facilitated over 100 stem cell donations in India and given many patients suffering from blood cancer and blood disorders, a second chance at life. But we couldn’t have done it without people like you!
Join Our Stem Cell Registry
To donate your stem cells, you would have to come up as a match to a patient whose HLA type perfectly matches yours, but the chances of that are very rare, almost one in a million. By becoming a part of our stem cell registry, you could increase the chances of a patient finding their lifesaver.
Your Registration Could Help Save a Life
Register Today:
A simple 5-minute registration could pave the way for you to be the ideal candidate for a blood stem cell donation.
Save Lives: Your registration might match someone in need, providing them with second chance at life
Take the First Step:
Join the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders.
Your 5-minute gesture could be the turning point in someone's life.
Join DKMS-BMST and Madan Gowri in the fight against blood cancer today!
Together, we can save lives.