
Sheeja is a lifesaver

Ready to become a potential lifesaver?

"Stem cell donation is a scope which I came to

know of through the awareness drive of DKMS BMST Foundation India. The cause seemed not just interesting but also meaningful for the fact how life-changing can the usage of a single donation be. It felt to be a great experience registering myself for the donation, with

know of through the awareness drive of DKMS BMST Foundation India. The cause seemed not just interesting but also meaningful for the fact how life-changing can the usage of a single donation be. It felt to be a great experience registering myself for the donation, with the knowledge that my stem cells can be used in saving someone’s life. It is important, however, for the donor to have detailed prior knowledge of how the registration and the donation works. Also, it must be known in depth how the recipient of the cell would benefit from the same.

Cupid off duty
Ready to become a potential lifesaver?
We provide blood cancer patients with a second chance at life.
The vision of DKMS-BMST is to fight blood cancer and blood disorders. Therefore, we are constantly working towards registering potential blood stem cell donors.
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Help us to register even more lifesavers
We’d love it if you could help us get more people on the registry so that everyone who needs a blood stem cell donor can find their match.